Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Focus: Be Present

"One cannot change the past, but one can ruin the present by worrying over the future" ~Annonymous

Be present-in the now! Allow yourself to enjoy the moment! Notice your sensations-what you smell, what you hear, how you breathe, what you taste and what you touch. Be in your body and enjoy being alive now because right now is the only life you are guaranteed to have.

Each week has a focus, quote, and an intention, you can keep the PoleMoves weekly intention and focus in existence throughout your week by posting the focus on your wall or wearing a bracelet, or string, around your wrist that is intended to remind you of the focus. You can also create a piece of art with the same focus and intention.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Focus: Courage

"Courage is doing what you're afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you're scared."
~Edward Vernon Rickenbacker

There may be many times in pole (and life) that you are scared; there may be many times that you are not even sure that you can do whatever it is that you need to do and walk away from it still breathing! Feel the fear and do it anyway. Be courageous and be proud of yourself for trying.

Each week has a focus, quote and an intention. You can keep the PoleMoves weekly intention and focus in existence throughout your week by posting the focus on your wall or wearing a bracelet, or string around your wrist that is intended to remind you of the focus. You can also create a piece of art with the same focus and intention.